Japanese Chin Club of America
Japanese Chin Club of America

New Title Certificates & Medallions and ROM Update
from Marisa Capozzo, Awards Chair

The rest of the new title certificates for 2005 are on their way to me, and certificates for the entire year will go out next week, along with your medallions! I know it took a while, but I am finally getting on top of things now. Thanks to all of you who have helped!

ROMs, etc ... A HUGE THANKS to Libby for sending me the list of new ROMs, SODs, etc for 2005. I am just putting the finishing touches on the list to send to Alice, so she can print out those certificates! Libby is also getting the 2004 list together for me!

Also, anyone know PowerPoint? We were hoping to put together a PP presentation of pics of all the new title finishers for 2005 for the specialty banquet. There are over 100 new title holders for 2005 and over 40 ROMs. Judith had thought a PP of all of them showing while we ate might be nice. If anyone knows PP and is willing to put this together, please let me know. I would be happy to work with you.

For any Japanese Chin that finished a titles in 2005, please email a photo (in JPG format) of the dog and:

  • Full name of the dog (Ch. Doggie's Fido NA)
  • What title finished (NA)
  • Month (Sept. 2005)
  • Owners (Mary Smith and John Doe)

If you finished more then one title, you can either send 1 or 2 pics, up to you.

Get ready for a great specialty!

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